דף הבית > America, my whore
America, my whore / Doron Braunshtein
קטגוריה: ספרים באנגלית

America, my whore


Doron Braunshtein - America, my whore

America, my whore

ספר שירה

Start a New English

It’s not my English,

it’s my Hebrew,

and I know it.

When the time will come

you’ll know it too.

You will hear it like a music,

you will feel it.

And when I’m in your arms,

you will start to believe,

in this world,

and in this thing,

this us.

It’s not my English,

it’s my Hebrew,

and I know it.

So many years,

and still,

there’s no change.

Once people died from it like flies,

and now,


nothing changed,

I’m saying while you sleep.

In my dream

you’re saying


* Relax ( in Hebrew)

פרק ראשון

please take it out of you,


you know what

I know:

When you have this secret in you,

you don’t have any music in you.

when you have this music in you,

you don’t have any love in you.

when you have this love in you,

you don’t have forgiveness in you,

a sorry in you,

or words,

to explain why everything


is nothing to you,

and why everything,

I mean, everything at all

becomes nothing in you.


There is one bench

in Central Park

I love to sit on the


It says on it “To Jerry,

my father, for everything

only the two of us


I wish I could say


and then thank you,

and I’m sorry.

my words give me

freedom and prison in

the same time.


The men in the gym

are looking at us.

Can’t they understand

that it’s only sex?

This is my way to

speak with him,

in words,

to say:


and “I love you”

from the bottom of

my heart I want

to say stop,

instead I am taking

all of it in,

like I really love it,

this music,

this pain,

there will never be music

or pain or forgiveness in me.

only words,

words and words, with

words on words.

I am the connection

between them.


I am my own father





My New York


Even in the busiest city

you can always find a tree

that will speak your language

will smile and agree.

You are good.

Even when you are so lost and so bad,

You are good.

You are.

Even when you can’t find a place

to be,

to forget everything and everyone,

to relax,

to regret,

to reborn.

You are good.


Look at the tree

in the middle of all this

and you know,

you just know it.

It’s good.

You are good.

And things going to be.















Start a New English


It’s not my English,

it’s my Hebrew,

and I know it.


When the time will come

you’ll know it too.


You will hear it like a music,

you will feel it.


And when I’m in your arms,

you will start to believe,

in this world,

and in this thing,

this us.


It’s not my English,

it’s my Hebrew,

and I know it.


So many years,

and still,

there’s no change.


Once people died from it like flies,

and now,


nothing changed,

I’m saying while you sleep.


In my dream

you’re saying





* Relax ( in Hebrew)

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עוד ספרים של Doron Braunshtein
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