דף הבית > Sweat It till You Get It
Sweat It till You Get It / Guy Massad
הוצאה: צמרת - הוצאה לאור
תאריך הוצאה: 07-2021
קטגוריה: ספרי ילדים ספרים באנגלית
מספר עמודים: 24

Sweat It till You Get It

משתתף במבצע 20% הנחה עד לתאריך 16/03/2025

Ann sits in her room, one afternoon, building a tower reaching up to the moon. Suddenly, oh no! the tower tumbles down Ann calls ”Dad!” with tears and a frown. "Dad, please help me," She complains sadly, ”This isn’t working, can’t you see?” Ann wants to build a block tower, Noah loves to play soccer, Omar plays all day on the computer and Karen wants to feel big and ride the bike all alone. But it doesn't work out so well for them. And it's upsetting, annoying and frustrating. In this book, children and parents are learning that one of the best ways to succeed is by continuity, to keep doing until one act out of a natural flow finally succeeds. Because every time they don't succeed, they learn something new about what can be done differently and even better. And with patience, perseverance and a little help from parents and teachers, they realize that "When you sweat it, you will definitely get it"! The author, Guy Massad, is an NLP Master Practitioner, implements Dr. Nader Butto's approach and provides personal processes and lectures about the way to harness the natural inner healing power.  

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