דף הבית > It's My Birthday

It's My Birthday

עמודים: 24 תאריך הוצאה לאור: 03-2016

This is a story by Asmaa Tannus; an educator, poet and writer from al-Makr Village. It consists of Zajal poems joyful to children, and would help them develop a musical ear and a love for Zajal; especially when read according to poetic meter or sung according to Zajali tune: Ya Halaly O Ya Maly.

The story enriches the child’s spirit through his parents’ care in celebrating his birthday, bringing joy to his heart and smile to his face.

The writer starts the story with the birthday preparations; buying candy and inviting friends; then celebrating with lit candles and cake, dancing and singing, and handing gift bags.

Asmaa Tannus has a published record of 14 books in Zajal and Muwashah poetry, 2 books in Theatre and Acting, and 17 stories of which 2 were published by “Ofir Bikorim” and one by Children Literature Center, while the other 14 were published with personal efforts. All stories were for primary grades. Tannus also has 6 released CD’s with various student songs suitable for Grades 1-6, and a collection of poetry and story materials pending printing.

פרק ראשון

This is a story by Asmaa Tannus; an educator, poet and writer from al-Makr Village. It consists of Zajal poem

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