דף הבית > The Question of Choice
The Question of Choice
הוצאה: מנדלי מוכר ספרים ברשת
תאריך הוצאה: 2022
קטגוריה: עידן חדש ספרים באנגלית
מספר עמודים: 670

The Question of Choice

משתתף במבצע 10% הנחה עד לתאריך 23/02/2025
משתתף במבצע 10% הנחה עד לתאריך 23/02/2025

Various experiments point at the fact that there is an electric pattern in the brain that precedes the conscious decision, such as to raise one’s hand. Does it mean that we are a kind of an advanced robot governed by powers that are hidden from us? Are we living in a world in the image of the Matrix, a kind of virtual reality? In practice, we feel that our decisions are made by us and that we are responsible for our actions. So, what’s the problem?

The book is examining the issue of free will in man from different angles, starting with the mythologies and religions, through the philosophies, thought, science and metaphysics.

How is a conscious experience created in us? Is humanity the product of mechanical evolution as science believes? The study of the human and animal genome has proved that man and the chimpanzee share 99% of their DNA components. So, how come we are so different from the chimpanzee? What creates the difference?

The book also deals with he metaphysical entity in the human body, the soul, its components and the inter-relationship between the soul and the material body. We shall explain how man’s unique conscious experience is created, like, for instance, when we taste chocolate, listen to music or enjoy the sunset.

What’s the relation between Plato’s world of ideas and the quantum mechanics? And what’s the difference between the latter and classical physics, and how is it related to man’s free will? We will examine the ideas which ostensibly seem unrelated.

Science claims that information isn’t lost in the universe. On the other hand, it doesn’t accept the assumption that there is life after death. So, where does all the information man accumulate during his life, go?

We will refer to the idea of God as a system of learning and evolving intelligences – God as a learning system. This will make us understand that our world is a huge experimental lab, and humans, who are born to implement their life scripts, learn through their experiences, and so they evolve, as well as God.

At the end of the book, there is a collection of compelling Q and A, which expand our horizons and knowledge, with the quantum-cosmic program called “The Group of Deliberate Choice”. In this part, we will find a surprising explanation regarding the structure of Creation, the Dark Matter and the Dark Energy, their function in the universe and their reciprocal relations. There are also explanations about evolution, consciousness, the quantum dimension, cold fusion, quantum computer, free will, the basis of human thought, and more.

This book integrates history, philosophy, science and metaphysics, and is intended for the educated and open-minded public, that can accept new insights, different from the current ones, and which challenge the academic, scientific and even religious thought.

The author Yitzhak Segman worked for 30 years in the hi-tech industry, most of which in senior management jobs. He is a graduate in oriental studies in the Hebrew University. Has acquired education in Economics and Business Administration, including advanced courses in management abroad. After his retirement, the author completed courses in practical spiritual studies such as the "Group of Five", "Metaphysical Thought", "Geometry in Creation", "Super Consciousness", "Directive Consciousness" and others. He is a member of the Board of Directors of a Hi-Tech Company in the field of medical equipment. Currently, he is writing and lecturing in spiritual-practical areas.

פרק ראשון


The Allegedly Rational, Sensible Part


Life has always been a great mystery for men, the only creatures in the world who are aware of their lives and death and never stop asking existential questions as a result. Such significant questions are the following: Is everything we absorb and sense through our senses, and the measuring tools that expand the senses’ abilities, just the materialistic-physical reality we live in? What is man, beyond his biological compounds and qualities, such as intelligence, free will, feelings, desire and the ability to choose between various options? Is there Super intelligence – God in popular language – that created the world, as religions maintain, or is reality the product of accidental evolution, as science claims? As we shall explain in the first part of this book, modern science, that is considered today a kind of a leading compass to the objective truth, is focused only on the materialistic aspects of reality, and is consequently lacking. We shall examine the reasons that led to this end, and the removal of the metaphysical dimension from scientific thought.

The attempt to solve the riddle of life raises philosophical questions regarding the meaning of human life and life in general, such as: Does life have a meaning and a purpose? We will approach this question broadly in its religious-mythological, philosophical, scientific and metaphysical aspects. Another important question that is asked and which this book means to answer clearly, although with no empirical evidence, is: Are there any spiritual-metaphysical components on which materialistic reality is based? Modern science believes in the existence of theoretical, non-material entities like electrons, photons, protons and other particles we cannot grasp with our senses, even if we use the most advanced tools. Despite the understanding of quantum particles, the scientific focus on materialism is still valid, and is even strengthened over the years, and any spiritual-metaphysical approach is rejected immediately.

This book is composed of two parts: the first part presents themes that correspond with earthly logic, titled “the allegedly rational part”. The second part contains information based on the quantum dimension, and which is against current human logic, titled “the allegedly non-rational part”. The word “allegedly” appears in both parts because both may be right or wrong, depending on one’s individual ability to contain, understand and be open to the spiritual world that is secretly managing us.

In the face of life’s mystery and the questions concerning it, the questions of “free choice” and “free will” arise. Does man have free will regarding the way he wishes to live his short life, that is, the way he may express his wishes, thoughts and feelings? We think that man has been given the possibility – some would say the privilege – to determine his own set of values, execute the actions he decided upon, and conduct his life according to his world view, for better or worse. The question of free will and its derivatives, such as determinism, has been with us up to now. We will discuss this in the first part of the book, and in the second part, we will present the answer to this question from the metaphysical point of view.

It is a common knowledge that man is not separated from his surroundings. He is a part of the enormous variety of life existent on this planet. He is a part of the solar system and a part of the universe. The physical laws that control the material world are constant, uniform and deterministic. Therefore, the question why, in a universe where all material movement depends on constant physical laws, only the human essence and his intelligence are different, subjective and individual, is a question to be expected.

We are aware that Planet Earth and the other planets in our solar system encircle the Sun, and that this system rotates with amazing regularity within the galaxy, which in its turn, rotates within what, in our view, is an infinite space. On the microscopic level, there is regularity in the electron movement around the nucleus, as well as in the relationship between the proton and the neutron in the nucleus, or the strong and the weak nuclear forces, etc. In such a deterministic world, the question of how and why the actions and creations of humans, also made of matter, are the product of free will, is inevitable. Furthermore, perhaps even to deny the very existence of any free will.

The fact that we are discussing this issue, thinking it over and trying to prove that we are motivated or not by free will, is by itself a great wonder. Our inherent ability to conduct experiments, analyze natural phenomena and express them literally and mathematically, designates man and makes him an exception among all earthly fauna. This ability is the product of intelligence, depending on mind and a visual and investigative capability, pointing at our possession of something beyond matter, and telling us explicitly: You are special! You have something that other animals do not have. Take, for instance, the 44% genetic similarity between man and fly, or 50% between man and banana or 99% similarity with the chimpanzee. That is to say that materially speaking, we and the chimpanzees are almost identical, and yet, one cannot compare between the mental ability and intelligence of humans and chimpanzees. Where do these differences come from? Is there a reason for this? When we examine and analyze the material aspects, such as the DNA, are we examining all that is there? Perhaps there is something metaphysical beyond it, something we have been ignoring up until now? The book you are holding considers these questions and attempts to answer them from a surprising metaphysical point of view. We must point out that although 99% of the genetic material of all humans is completely identical, there are 10 million genetic versions that differentiate between people and which cause each person to have a unique genetic structure, a kind of individual fingerprint. We will refer to this in the second part of the book.

The materialistic reality we are living in raises questions regarding its true, and perhaps hidden, essence. Is what we see and feel the only truth? Maybe there is a kind of illusion here? When we pick up some material, say a table, and examine it through a microscope, we may reach the atomic and sub-atomic level, the quantum level that has no material expression. So, how was solid matter created and how do we sense it as such? The quantum theory, that was born 100 years ago, is totally different from the classical physics on which it is built like a building on its foundation. In fact, we have two physics, each one explains reality in a different way: The quantum physics that refers to the atomic and sub-atomic dimension, and the classical physics that refers to our material accessible concrete world. Let us discuss the differences between the two theories and the way they affect human understanding of the essence of life and material reality.

The Western history and civilization that evolved from the monotheistic religions, and to a certain extent Islam, regard the principle of free will as the central axis of human life. The religions emphasize the importance of faith in God, who created the world and mankind, according to their credo, and that He is the judge of man. We will refer to this in the first part of the book, as well as to the struggle between faith and intelligence – a struggle that accompanies religion and science until today. We shall also refer to the fact that in every religion there is a different kind of tension between the approach supporting free will, and the religious approach claiming that the life path in general, and particularly the human path, is dictated by God.

In the second part of the book, we will see how man’s free will is expressed in his life through the script he was born with. We will see that human life is purposeful and has a mission, and that we are, like all the universe and Creation, a part of a learning, understanding and evolutionary system that encompasses all the existing intelligences in Creation, including Jehovah, the Biblical God. We will also explain the history of previous Creations, the Great Creation which was taken over by the Dark Intelligence, and our own Creation which is the continuation of that Creation.

The free will principle makes man responsible for his actions. No external factor is responsible, not even the entity called “God”. We are the only ones responsible for our choices, and that’s why people worry oftentimes about the burden they need to carry. These people rely on external factors such as advisors, commentators, Gurus, Rabbis, clergymen, Imams, and so they hurt themselves, as will be explained later.

The human-like robots Isaac Asimov wrote about in his Science Fiction books, are more intelligent and knowledgeable than men. Their disadvantage is that they are designed by men. Their personalities and reactions are the outcome of sophisticated algorithms containing complicated systems with an enormous number of mathematical variants. These robots can express themselves in different ways, even human. Still, they have no free will. Their behavior is based on formulas of the algorithm composing the software that activates them. Hence, the main difference between men and advanced AI creatures is that human intelligence evolves through experience, memories, conclusions and feelings, while AI evolves by the information and orders it is fed with.

The fact that life presents us with multiple possibilities, as we conceive it and as quantum mechanics claims, is a source of hope. Societies and countries which prosper are those which allow freedom, liberty and openness. Religion and any other dogmatic systems constrain human thought to the limitations they created. We shall discuss this in the first part of the book and see how fixed religious thought leads to lack of evolution in many areas.

In the second part of the book, we will explain that man possesses free will, and yet this freedom is not unlimited, and therefore there is no danger of its leading to anarchy from the aspect of managing energy in Creation. The important phrase in Judaism, which we will refer to later in the book, “everything is predetermined, but there is freedom of choice”, emphasizes man’s free choice and the framework within which it works. Free choice exists within the framework of existing potential possibilities in man’s life script. No human action or deed is possible without being preplanned on the theoretical metaphysical level.

At the end of the second part of the book, we will introduce a message to humanity, and Q & A with a group from the quantum level which is a software – algorithm – created by the central intelligence field in Creation. This group wishes to investigate why the momentum light, which is the measure of the internal light power (we will dedicate a separate chapter to this subject) people produce by their activities, does not grow at the expected and required pace. The Q & A in the book may interest any open-minded person, and especially scientists from various disciplines. The Q & A apply to areas such as human consciousness, evolution, free choice, artificial intelligence, quantum mechanics, dark energy and dark matter, entropy, alternate worlds and momentum light. The referred group calls itself ‘the intentional choice”, and it transferred information from the quantum dimension surrounding us to our material-linear dimension in 50 meetings transcribed and published separately. This information was transferred by Zeev Aviraz, who serves as the channel for transferring information from the quantum dimension to the material physical world.

For scientists and physicist who read this Preface, it’s recommended to focus on the chapter “The Metaphysics of Physics” in part 2 of this book as well as on Q & A numbers 53 to 72. They refer, among other things, to the reciprocity between the quantum dimension and our material dimension, to quantum entanglement from a different point of view, wave probabilities, how information is created in Creation/universe, information compression as a basis for physical material, human thought, Cold Fusion through dark matter, a quantum computer and more.  

We should point out that only openness and understanding our divine origin, as explained in this book, that all men have come from the same source and return to the same source, may create a new spiritual framework that will replace religion in the future. The power of religion has always been the ability to connect to man’s interior: his feelings, hopes and fears, and the giving of a stable spiritual framework, supportive and accepting. Religions, as designed thousands of years ago, will have to adapt to this new understanding of the meaning of life, man and God.

Science, that deals with the understanding of the world and brings various theories and explanations, will have to incorporate in the empiric-material attitude some metaphysical aspects, in order to enable the next dramatic leap, like the one that took place at the beginning of the twenties in the previous century. We should point out that technology, as opposed to science, is a collection of technics, methods and processes meant to produce products, such as cellular communication. Technology evolves rapidly and affects many areas in life drastically. We will show the difference between technology and science in our lives.

We would like to thank Zeev Aviraz who is the mentor of mentors, a guide, and energetic and human channel for the transfer of information and knowledge from the quantum dimension to our material one. Zeev has brought to the world, during the last 20 years, unique information that will change human understanding of mankind, the universe, God and human material reality in the next few years. This information was channeled in Hebrew, since it is considered by Creation as an energy saver, something the Intelligence that is managing this place likes. In Hebrew it is possible to pass longer stories and texts in relatively fewer words than in any other language.

We would like to thank the scientist and physician Doctor Alon Rater for his consent to include in the chapter on the brain the “rice experiment” he conducted, in which the impact of human consciousness on matter is empirically proved. We also thank him for his comments in the following chapters: “Classical Physics and Mechanics / The Quantum Theory”, “Science and the Study of Consciousness”, “The Human Brain”, and “The Universe as A Hologram”. Thanks to Doctor Rivka Feverkent for her recommendation to use David Bohm’s book “Wholeness and Implicate Order”. Thanks to Emanuel Braunstein, Master in East Asian Studies at Tel-Aviv University, who studies ancient Chinese and Indian philosophies and in the wake of current neurological research, for her useful comments. Thanks to Doctor Yifat Drori, this book’s editor, for her excellent work and her useful and relevant remarks.

The author’s previous book “The Hidden Reality Behind the Scenes” was also translated into English by Dalia Gal. Here is the link for the digital book in Amazon[1]

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